




Kraten MGM is a retailer and developer of entertainment products and services. Kraten MGM employs highly trained professionals in all positions ranging from project managers and analysts to office managers and support personnel who are seeking to provide better performance, reliability, security, and flexibility.  We are dedicated to making business decisions that reflect our commitment to improving our business and well-being of our members and our partners.

Partnerships are a critical part of Kraten MGM’s outreach strategy. We continue to build on the relationships we have already developed and to cultivate new partnerships aimed at helping us achieve good results. We invite participation and collaboration with existing and new partners.

At Kraten MGM’s, you will benefit from a partnership with an established and trusted company which offers various forms of gaming entertainment. We utilize cutting-edge technology both to our own advantage and to that of our clients.

Kraten MGM’s is committed to providing fun, safe and superior customer service. To fulfill our obligations we are also offering to our customers and our partners:

  • State-of-the art software with real time reports.
  • Day-to-day system operation support
  • Regular system functioning audit
  • Technical consultations
  • Urgent works for efficiency restoration
  • Security audit
  • Other activities for guaranteeing trouble-free continuous system operation
  • Regular system updates
  • New games installation when released

Our customer-focused and commitment to quality guarantee prompt response to your current needs to ensure stable error-free system functioning.